Personal Training with Suzanne Leach


Motivation and Support

Many people have goals and understand what they should be doing to progress towards theme but find it difficult to stick to their fitness and nutrition regimes. Lets face it you are bombarded by a whole list of reasons, every day,which could prevent you from achieving the results you really want. So what is the difference between those people who achieve and those that don’t? Well one thing that successful people do is find help. They find a coach or personal trainer who has helped other people like them and they do what the coach says. The key message here is support, motivation and mentorship are absolutely, essential to help you become a goal achiever.

What would I be able to do for you as your Personal Trainer?

One of the key things is to start with goal settings and my approach is to keep things simple and straight forward. So we will work together to establish:-

Where is it you want to be?

Where are you now?

How are you going to get there?

Once we have established what it is you are aiming for we can baseline where you are at presently and devise an individualised fitness plan, taking into account any existing health conditions, injuries and time factors to achieve your goal. I will motivate and keep you focused on the end result. Working with me will be very efficient as you will be spending more time on results focused fitness training and nutrition. I will help improve your technical skills and show you new ways to exercise, which will not only improve your strength & endurance but also your agility & mental focus. With me you will learn to workout safely & efficiently amd most importantly you will be in the best position to achieve your desired results.

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